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JsonConvert unexpected behavior when serialising Dictionary

Hell all! I have a Dictionary<string,Dictionary<CustomClass,string>> that i want to serialise. The result I expect is something like:

          }:"Final STR",
          }:"Final STR4",
          }:"Final STR8"
          }:"Final STR 2"
          }:"Final STR 3",
          }:"Final STR0",
          }:"Final STR10"

But instead i'm getting

          "MyProjectNamespace.CustomClass":"Final STR",
          "MyProjectNamespace.CustomClass":"Final STR4"
          "MyProjectNamespace.CustomClass":"Final STR 2"
          "MyProjectNamespace.CustomClass":"Final STR 3"

Can anyone tell me how to make it right? I dont want the "namespace.classname" but the properties... I`m using Newtonsoft.Json btw... tks a lot!

Your desired output isn't in JSON format . The left hand side of the : is the name of the object property, and must be a string. To get the format you've listed, you'll need to use another serializer that supports your non-JSON format.

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