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WebView console shows errors on android < 4.0 | (JVectorMap)

I have an issue that's a bit strange... I have a server API where I've installed JVectorMap javascripts to show some stats on maps. it's very simple I just have to set the url to the webview like this:

(WebView Config)

WebView wv = (WebView)lv_header.findViewById(R.id.result_webview);

WebSettings settings = wv.getSettings();

WebView method I call to show map

private void setWebView(String countryCode) {
wv.loadUrl( MyApplication.API_URL_SERVER_PRODUCTION+"/query/"+getIdFromPos(array_id, posInArray)+"/map/"+countryCode);

On Android 4.x > will show ok everything is ok but under 4.x I have this log; (And the webView is blank):

E/Web Console(8411): Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLDocument> has no method: 'createStyleSheet' at http://www.miwebsite.com/static/js/jvectormap/jquery-jvectormap-1.2.2.min.js:7

Method 'createStyleSheet' it's in the "jquery-jvectormap-1.2.2.min.js" file...

Example of a map ==> Click Here

In jVectorMap uncompressed there is a call to document.createStyleSheet() javascript function at line #182:

jvm.VMLElement.initializeVML = function () {
        try {
            document.namespaces.rvml || document.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"), jvm.VMLElement.prototype.createElement = function (e) {
                return document.createElement("<rvml:" + e + ' class="rvml">')
        } catch (e) {
            jvm.VMLElement.prototype.createElement = function (e) {
                return document.createElement("<" + e + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">')
        document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"), jvm.VMLElement.VMLInitialized = !0

The function is not jVectorMap specific, is specific to the javascript implementation in the IE browser, until IE 11. It's possible you're using a browser that doesn't support this (maybe you're sending the IE user agent string from your Android browser).

Use this uncompressed jVectorMap (copy, paste and save it in a file and use it to replace the minified jVectorMap you currently are using) and see what line is causing the problem.

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