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Finding extreme values in vector elements in R

I have a vector like this:


I would like to find the position of the lowest number each time >=5 consecutive values are <-0.5. In the example that is the value -1.044 .

How do I find this?

What I have done is this:


zz <- rep(FALSE, length(xx))
zz[sequence(aa$lengths) == 1] <- aa$lengths >= 5 & aa$values == 1

But then I just find the position of the first value and not the extreme.

Any help?

Thanks for posting what you've tried.

I'd just use a logical comparison for xx :

xx <- x < -0.5

Then your rle logic becomes:

aa <- rle(xx)
zz <- aa$lengths >= 5 & aa$values

From there, identify which values of zz are true and use cumsum to get the indicies of x (this is oversimplified since there is only once instance but you get the picture):

first <- which(zz)
idxs <- cumsum(aa$lengths[1:first])

In the instance where you have multiple matches, first will be a vector with length > 1. In that case, make a function and you can apply it to your vector:

myfun <- function(y) {
    idxs <- c(0, cumsum(aa$lengths[1:y]))

x <- rnorm(100)
xx <- x < -0.5
aa <- rle(xx)
zz <- aa$lengths >= 3 & aa$values
first <- which(zz)

sapply(first, myfun)

A function with the apply function inside:

find.val <- function(x,threshold,n,all=T){
  tmp <- rle(x < threshold)
  cs <- cumsum(tmp$lengths)
  dfcs <- data.frame(indices=c(0,cs[-length(cs)])+1,l=cs)
  pos <- (apply(dfcs,1,function(y) which.min(x[y[1]:y[2]])+y[1]-1))[tmp$values==1 & tmp$lengths >= n]
  if(all==T) return(pos)


if you set all=T you get all matches otherwise only the position of the lowest match. Example:


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