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How to pass a char array element to a function in c++?

I need to pass a single element of a char array from int main to a function. This should pass a single char to the array. Not the whole array or anything. I've tried converting it into a single char (IE, char herps = charArray[1];) and then passing it to the function as herps, but it actually gives the same error, even when I know it's one piece of it.

The function must be string herp(char); . The array contains spaces and whatnot.

This gives me the error 'invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const char*''

Source code:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    string toMorse(char);

    string toMorse(char letter){
    return "herp";

    int main()
    {const int SIZE = 10;
    char line[SIZE];
    cin.getline(line, SIZE);
    int count=10;
    string toMorse(line[count]);
    return 0;}

If your array is declared as

char charArray[SOME_SIZE];

then calling a function declared as

string myFunc(char c);



Will not give you an error.

In your main(),

string toMorse(line[count]);

you are not calling toMorse function, you are actually creating a string instance named toMorse, constructor gets called and looks for const char * as argument. Refer std::string .

You are creating a char array of size 10 and try to read 11th index, which is also wrong.

Modified Code:

   int main()
    const int SIZE = 10;
    char line[SIZE];
    cin.getline(line, SIZE);
    int count=9; //Any whole number between 0 and SIZE-1 is acceptable.
    return 0;

In the second last statement in your code that is posted, function call syntax is incorrect.
string toMorse(line[count]); needs to be replaced with string returnString = toMorse(line[count]); Or may be you want to just pass char than remove the "string" from that line.

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