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$.post - array from javascript to php

I have this array in javascript:

arr = [1, "string", 3]

And this, my ajax call:

        {'client_info[]': arr},
    function(data) {
          // some stuffs here

Here's the php excerpt:

    $arr = $_POST['client_info'];

    // I want to access the array, indexed, like this:
    $arr[0] = 2;
    $arr[1] = "Hello";
    $arr[2] = 10000;


But I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2

What's the correct way to do this? Thanks!

Remove } from }); to remove syntax error.

Also no need to use [] with client_info so you can remove it.


var arr = [1, "string", 3];
        {'client_info': arr},
    function(data) {
          // some stuffs here


    $arr = $_POST['client_info'];

    echo $arr[0];
    echo $arr[1];
    echo $arr[2];

extra braces, change:

        {'client_info[]': arr},
    function(data) {
          // some stuffs here


        {'client_info[]': arr},
    function(data) {
          // some stuffs here
       // } <--remove this

You have a syntax error in your JS. Remove one } .

Remove client_info[] to client_info and extra brace


var arr = [1, "string", 3];
    {'client_info': arr},
    function(data) {
      // some stuffs here

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