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Jasypt Encryption not working with Maven profiles

I'm trying to get jasypt to decrypt a (previously encrypted) property value, which ultimately will be used to log into a database. The decryption works fine except for when I introduce Maven profiles. I have a local/dev/prod set of property files which are environment specific.

Here's the relevant portion of my spring3 config. This is the most critical part of the code examples: this is driving how the decryption is setup and what decrypted string is being set to the example dummy bean.

  <bean id="jvmVariablesConfiguration" class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.EnvironmentPBEConfig"

  <bean id="jvmConfigurationEncryptor" class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor"

  <bean id="jvmPropertyConfigurer" class="org.jasypt.spring3.properties.EncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"
    <constructor-arg ref="jvmConfigurationEncryptor"/>

  <util:list id="passwordProps">

  <encryption:encryptable-properties id="dbProps" encryptor="jvmConfigurationEncryptor" location="classpath:database.properties"/>

  <bean id="dummy" class="DummyPropertyTest">
    <property name="prop" value="${database.bar}"/>

In one of my maven poms, here is where I specify the profiles.



    <!--dev and prod profiles follow this in a similar pattern -->


I'm using jasypt version 1.9.1:


I have a main database property file (database.properties) setup in /src/main/resources, which has these placeholder properties:


And then here's my local property file, located at /src/main/resources/properties/local/database.properties :


Here's my sample spring bean code, simply reading the property that was set to it. If everything works, the value will be printed to stdout decrypted.

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;

public class DummyPropertyTest {

    private String prop;

    public String getProp() {
        return prop;

    public void setProp(String prop) {
        this.prop = prop;

    public String otherProp;

    public String getOtherProp() {
        return otherProp;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/META-INF/spring/applicationContext-common.xml");
        DummyPropertyTest dpt = (DummyPropertyTest) ctx.getBean("dummy");

        System.out.println("what's my property being set??: "+dpt.getProp());

If I tweak my spring configuration to read in a property that resides on the main property file which normally just contains just placeholders for the per-property environment override, then the decryption works. But the decryption does not work trying to read a encrypted property from the local properties file. I've mucked around quite a bit trying to tweak the spring configurations, hoping that perhaps it was just a classpath issue, but that didn't seem to help either.

Do I need to override how Spring looks at property prefixes and suffixes, if only for perhaps the properties i need to encrypt? (If I do that, that would seem to be applicable to all properties, not just the encryptable ones, since Jasypt's EncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is a drop-in replacement for Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer).

Here's the output of the program if I have the two properties files set as I've illustrated: what's my property being set??: ENC(RSuprdBgcpdheiWX0hJ45Q==)

Here's the output of the program if I have the main property file contain the encrypted property: what's my property being set??: sa

I'm not sure if the problem is Spring, or Jayspt. I don't think it's Maven. I'd rather not ditch the Maven profiles as they stand now, if at all possible.

Edited for clarity, runtime examples.

* Update * : I can verify that the value is correctly decrypted if I use the Jasypt Spring configuration way <encryption:encryptable-properties id="dbProps" encryptor="jvmConfigurationEncryptor" location="classpath:database.properties"/>

Then in my test Bean I can wire up a member to have the property assigned to it:

    public String otherProp;

This seems to work. But I really need the PropertyOverride thing to work, so that I can properly get the database configuration buttoned up.

I figured out the solution with help from a coworker. The problem was indeed the maven filtering of the profiles. Here's the corrected profile setup. After that, decryption worked like a dream. So, no need for the separate wiring of the @Value annotation directly into the bean: setting the property directly from the Spring config worked fine.


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