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Eclipse keeps crashing after installation of JBoss

Since installing JBoss eclipse keeps crashing when developing a new project. This is the information I get when it crashes. I have increased the memory available to it also but it doesn't seem to have made any difference, anyone got any ideas?? thanks. eclipse_crash_image

I would assume a problem with memory allocation.

First, it's strange having memory setting twice in the eclipse configuration (you have the switches -Xms and -Xmx two times). Second, -Xms2048m and -Xmx3548m seems really too much. I never used so much memory. Additionally, you might try to increase the perm size to 256m. Give it a try.

In your eclipse.ini file, you have a line with "--launcher.XXMaxPermSize". Directly beneath that, you type in the max perm size. That way, you do not need a swith with "-XX:MaxPermSize" in the vmargs section.

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