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I have installed Apache Tomcat 7 and when I goto http://localhost:8080 in my browser, I see the following error : HTTP Status 500

the error when I go to localhost:8080 in browser:


I have tried the following by searching on google and stackoverflow but still the same error shows up:

  1. Restart PC to end all the servers shutdown.
  2. Manually shutdown all servers from the Windows Services
  3. Also Provided the Full control access pertaining to the "no output folder" issue

Note: I am yet to start learning jsp and all Java EE stuff. I am on initial stage where one downloads the apache tomcat server and runs the hello world application.

Reinstall Tomcat. There is something fundamentally wrong with your installation. Tomcat is pretty basic and runs "as is" out of the box, with no configuration, so something has happened to your installation. It is much easier to just reinstall it than to try and fix it.

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