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Find what is the maximum intensity pixel in an image

I have a tif file and I need to find the coordinates of the maximum intensity pixel. How would you solve this?


You can get the max value and it's index in the image with just max :

[maxVal,maxInd] = max(img(:));

If you are working with a RGB image, convert it to HSV and use the value component:

imgHSV = rgb2hsv(imgRGB);
img = imgHSV(:,:,3);

Also note that if there are multiple locations with the maximum value, max returns the index of the first occurrence. To get all indexes with the maximum value,

allMaxValsMask = img==maxVal;

The simplest way is:

% Find max value
maxValue = max(max(image));
% Find the pixel idx corresponding to that value
idx = find(image == maxValue);

If you have more than one value at maxValue , idx will be a vector containing all indexes at maxValue .

Also, the indexes in idx will be linear (not x,y coordinates). Depending on what you what, you might need to convert it back.

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