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How to Read Schema of Flat File using Reflection in C#

How to Read Schema of Flat File using Reflection in C# The brief overview that I have is- There's some server which is storing the data as flat files and I have to push data from SQL Server to these flat files. For that I need to know their schema. I have no idea about this, any help would be great.

Hard to know where to start with this question, because it sounds like reflection is unlikely to be helpful, and yet you specified that it must appear in the solution! :)

As a result, this answer is mostly guesswork and will probably evolve as you reveal more information. This is fine; you can't get the answer (42) until you know what the question is.

There isn't a single definition of what a flat file is. What you probably need is a function that parses the "records" in the file. The usual approach is to open the file in a hex editor and infer the format from a few example records. Look for clues as to the shape of the repeating pattern. Does each "record" appear to consist of a number of "fields"? Do they appear in a definite order every time, or is each field prefixed by a name or number to indicate what it means? Does it look like plain text, ie can you open it in Notepad without losing important information?

Declare a class to represent a record:

public class FlatFileRecord
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    // etc.

Then write a function that reads from a stream and yields records:

public static IEnumerable<FlatFileRecord> ParseFlatFile(StreamReader stream)
    // etc.

It would be appropriate to use StreamReader if the file is "plain text" (that is, it has carriage-return/line-feed characters that are used in some significant way to delimit records or fields).

Suppose each record is a line of plain text (in other words, each record is separated by a special line-ending sequence). Within that line there are multiple fields, somehow delimited by other special characters. Your parser might be structured as a loop:

string line;
while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    yield return new FlatFileRecord(line);

This breaks the problem down into two levels. The outer level goes through the lines one at a time, each producing one record. Then there is an inner level that I've imagined putting in the constructor of FlatFileRecord. Pass a line, and it fills itself in with the field values that it knows how to extract from that line. So now you have to write the constructore of FlatFileRecord.

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