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How can I hide an uncaught error from my browser?

I have some simple code that does the job but gives an uncaught error.

 ck.setMode( 'wysiwyg'); 

This is giving me the message:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined 

I know it's probably a bad practice but the error does not cause any problems and I would like to avoid it showing in the browser. Is there some way that I could enclose this code so it does not give a browser console alert?

Here's the code that encloses the above:

ngModel.$render = function () {
    if (typeof ngModel.$modelValue != 'undefined') {
        if (ngModel.$modelValue != null) {
             timer = setTimeout(function () {
             }, 1000);
             timer = setTimeout(function () {
             }, 1000);

You may use code like this:

window.onerror = function(message, url, lineNumber) {  
    // maybe some handling?  
    return true; // prevents browser error messages  

It prevents all error messages, so use it with care.

You can put your code block inside a try catch. So your code would become like this.

try {
   ck.setMode( 'wysiwyg'); 
catch (error) {
   // handle your error

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