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How to show some dummy data in ListView

I am new to C# and I am developing a prototype for a software. I want to create a table like structure:

Name                  Details        ActionButton
Name1                 Details1       Button
Name1                 Details1       Button
Name1                 Details1       Button

So, I want to fill the rows of this table from dummy data. Whatever I found till now, uses some code to bind the listview to some data source. However, I just want to know is this possible to add data directly into XAML

I think I misunderstood your question. A solution in your case could be to use a datagrid.

Make some class with dummydata, which you could bind to the datagrid in the .xaml file

Everything you need to know, should be in this tutorial.


Hope it helped.


<!-- HEADER-->
   <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
                <TextBlock Width="250" TextAlignment="Center" Text="User"/>
                <TextBlock Width="250" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Details"/>
                <TextBlock Width="100" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Action"/>

    <ListView x:Name="lb_Users">
           <Grid Width="600">
                 <ColumnDefinition Width="250"/>
                 <ColumnDefinition Width="250"/>
                 <ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
             <TextBlock  Text="{Binding Name}" />
             <TextBlock  Text="{Binding Details}" />
             <Button Tag="{Binding}" Click="ActionButtonClick"/>


Define struct:

struct User
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Details { get; set; }

ListBox Load:

public void ShowList()
        List<User>Users=new List<User>();
        //Here we have to fill this list by some data.

Button activity:

private void ActionButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
       Button btn=sender as Button;
       User user=(User)Button.Tag;   //we gets our user  
      // do something else...

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