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Javascript Email Validation Specific Domain

I'm trying to get someone to use a specific email domain of @mail.fhsu.edu . Here is my Validation code.

 function validateFHSUEmail(inputField, helpText) {
    if (inputField.value.length == 0) {
        if (helpText != null) {
            helpText.innerHTML = "Please Enter a Value";    
        return false;
    } else {
        var reg = /^[a-z.]+@mail.fhsu.edu$/;
        if (!reg.test(inputField)) {
            if (helpText != null) {
            helpText.innerHTML = "Please Enter FHSU Email"; 

Am I calling it wrong or what because no matter what it returns false.

You're testing the variable "inputField", which apparently is a reference to a DOM element. You want inputField.value in the test.

edit Note the comment wherein it's pointed out that your regex should use \\. for the periods in the domain name.



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