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transform file/directory structure into 'tree' in javascript

I have an array of objects that looks like this:

[{ name: 'test',
  size: 0,
  type: 'directory',
  path: '/storage/test' },
{ name: 'asdf',
  size: 170,
  type: 'directory',
  path: '/storage/test/asdf' },
{ name: '2.txt',
  size: 0,
  type: 'file',
  path: '/storage/test/asdf/2.txt' }]

There could be any number of arbitrary path's, this is the result of iterating through files and folders within a directory.

What I'm trying to do is determine the 'root' node of these. Ultimately, this will be stored in mongodb and use materialized path to determine it's relationships.

In this example, /storage/test is a root with no parent. /storage/test/asdf has the parent of /storage/test which is the parent to /storage/test/asdf/2.txt .

My question is, how would you go about iterating through this array, to determine the parent's and associated children? Any help in the right direction would be great!

Thank you

You can do it like this:

var arr = [] //your array;
var tree = {};

function addnode(obj){
  var splitpath = obj.path.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, "").split('/');
  var ptr = tree;
  for (i=0;i<splitpath.length;i++)
    node = { name: splitpath[i],
    type: 'directory'};
    if(i == splitpath.length-1)
    {node.size = obj.size;node.type = obj.type;}
    ptr[splitpath[i]] = ptr[splitpath[i]]||node;

console.log(require('util').inspect(tree, {depth:null}));


{ storage:
   { name: 'storage',
     type: 'directory',
      { test:
         { name: 'test',
           type: 'directory',
           size: 0,
            { asdf:
               { name: 'asdf',
                 type: 'directory',
                 size: 170,
                 children: { '2.txt': { name: '2.txt', type: 'file', size: 0, children: {} } } } } } } } }

Assuming / will never show up in the list of files, something like this should work:

function treeify(files) {
  var path = require('path')

  files = files.reduce(function(tree, f) {
    var dir = path.dirname(f.path)

    if (tree[dir]) {
    } else {
      tree[dir] = { implied: true, children: [f] }

    if (tree[f.path]) {
      f.children = tree[f.path].children
    } else {
      f.children = []

    return (tree[f.path] = f), tree
  }, {})

  return Object.keys(files).reduce(function(tree, f) {
    if (files[f].implied) {
      return tree.concat(files[f].children)

    return tree
  }, [])

It'll turn the array you mention in the question in to something like this:

[ { name: 'test',
    size: 0,
    type: 'directory',
    path: '/storage/test',
     [ { name: 'asdf',
         size: 170,
         type: 'directory',
         path: '/storage/test/asdf',
          [ { name: '2.txt',
              size: 0,
              type: 'file',
              path: '/storage/test/asdf/2.txt',
              children: [] } ] } ] } ]

I haven't actually tested this with any other data sources, so your milage may vary but at least it ought to nudge you in the right direction.

Solution based on @user568109 but returning results in arrays instead of objects:

function filesToTreeNodes(arr) {
  var tree = {}
  function addnode(obj) {
    var splitpath = obj.fileName.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, "").split('/');
    var ptr = tree;
    for (let i = 0; i < splitpath.length; i++) {
      let node: any = {
        fileName: splitpath[i],
        isDirectory: true
      if (i == splitpath.length - 1) {
        node.isDirectory = false
      ptr[splitpath[i]] = ptr[splitpath[i]] || node;
      ptr[splitpath[i]].children = ptr[splitpath[i]].children || {};
      ptr = ptr[splitpath[i]].children;
  function objectToArr(node) {
    Object.keys(node || {}).map((k) => {
      if (node[k].children) {
    if (node.children) {
      node.children = Object.values(node.children)
  return Object.values(tree)

This is the signature to better understand the input / output formats:

export interface TreeNode {
  isDirectory: string
  children: TreeNode[]
  fileName: string
export interface File {
  fileName: string
export type fileToTreeNodeType = (files: File[]) => TreeNode[]

If you want instead to start from the root path, this is the best module for that task:

npm dree

You can use several configurations and you can get a result similar to this:

  "name": "sample",
  "path": "D:/Github/dree/test/sample",
  "relativePath": ".",
  "type": "directory",
  "size": "1.79 MB",
  "children": [
      "name": "backend",
      "path": "D:/Github/dree/test/sample/backend",
      "relativePath": "backend",
      "type": "directory",
      "size": "1.79 MB",
      "children": [
          "name": "firebase.json",
          "path": "D:/Github/dree/test/sample/backend/firebase.json",
          "relativePath": "backend/firebase.json",
          "type": "file",
          "extension": "json",
          "size": "29 B"
          "name": "server",
          "path": "D:/Github/dree/test/sample/backend/server",
          "relativePath": "backend/server",
          "type": "directory",
          "size": "1.79 MB",
          "children": [
              "name": "server.ts",
              "path": "D:/Github/dree/test/sample/backend/server/server.ts",
              "relativePath": "backend/server/server.ts",
              "type": "file",
              "extension": "ts",
              "size": "1.79 MB"

Even a string could be returned, like this:

 └─> backend
     ├── firebase.json
     ├── hello.txt
     └─> server
         └── server.ts

For example:

const dree = require('dree');

const config = {
  normalize: true,
  stat: false,
  size: true,
  followLinks: true,
  exclude: [/exclude_me/, /exclude_me_too/ ],
  depth: 10,
  extensions: [ 'html', 'txt ]

const tree = dree.scan('./dir', config);

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