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How to manipulate form file input before POST

I have a form which includes an input type="file" to upload an image, and I want to be able to manipulate that image before submission.

(I may want to crop or resize it using an existing jQuery library, for example. I'm posting to WordPress and am tied to gravity forms, which means I can't use a plug-in such as jQuery-file-upload which includes server-side handling too, so my question is more generic.)

I'm trying to understand what happens on submit and how the browser constructs the post to be handled by the server.

If a user has selected a file, can I take that file and do something with it in javascript, and then on the form submit have the browser take my amended version from memory rather than the original version linked to in the input field?


So, I've discovered some useful insights. Anyone looking at this, here is a useful thread here on SO.

When a user selects an image on a file input field, I can use html5 canvas to manipulate it. I need to then convert it back to a binary file to upload (via canvas.toBlob() in the most modern browsers, or using the technique mentioned in the above link for older browsers).

Then what do I do with it? I can POST it via Ajax as per this Mozilla developers article and for most people this will be fine.

My problem is that I am tied to using Gravity Forms and I need to let it handle the form submission.

Which means I need to manipulate my existing form and let the user hit the submit button as normal.

Where my form has

<input type="file" name="input_3" id="input_3_3">

I have tried in JavaScript:

document.getElementbyId('input_3_3').value = myBlob;

but it appears that I can't assign the blob to the input field.

Reading around, the solutions which involve Ajax make use of FormData objects, and I thought I might be able to append the field but that doesn't seem to work (the form on the page in the DOM and the FormData object are not the same thing?).

So, that's where I'm stuck.


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