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IN guest account in windows 8 how to determine the version of windows?

当我们从Windows 8中的来宾帐户登录并尝试查找版本时,它给出错误并与Windows 8具有相同的值。请建议一些适用于Windows 8和Windows 8.1的代码或API。

This gives you some background knowledge: How can we check if the current OS is win8 or blue

And this is what works for me:

// this might only work as long as there's no successor to Windows 8.1
public Version GetVersion()
   var reportedVersion = System.Environment.OSVersion.Version;
   if (reportedVersion.Major==6 && reportedVersion.Minor==2)
      bool _IsWindows8Point1OrGreater = Type.GetType("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Flyout, Windows.UI.Xaml, ContentType=WindowsRuntime", false) != null;
      if(_IsWindows8Point1OrGreater )
      reportedVersion = new Version(6,3); 
   return reportedVersion;

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