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Is KeySet iterator of ConcurrentHashMap is threadsafe?

I just trying to explore What is ThreadSafe mean?

Below are my understanding:

It looks like for me; allowing multiple threads to access a collection at the same time; this is irrespective of its synchronization. For example any method without synchronized keyword on it; is thread safe, means mutiple threads can access it.

It is up to a developer choice to maintain some more logic (synchronization) on this method to maintain data integrity while multi-threads are accessing it. That is separate from thread safe.

If my above statement is false; just read the below JAVA DOC for `ConcurrentHashMap:

keySet: The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that will never throw ConcurrentModificationException, and guarantees to traverse elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator, and may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent to construction.

The above statement says keySet iterator will not guarantee the data integrity; while multi-threads are modifying the collection.

Could you please answer me, *Is KeySet iterator of ConcurrentHashMap is threadsafe?

And my understanding on thread safe is correct ??

keySet: The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that will never throw ConcurrentModificationException, and guarantees to traverse elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator, and may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent to construction

This itself explains, that KeySet iterator of ConcurrentHashMap is threadsafe.

General idea behind the java.util.concurrent package is providing a set of data structures that provide thread-safe access without strong consistency. This way these objects achieve higher concurrency then properly locked objects.

Being thread safe means that, even without any explicit synchronization you never corrupt the objects. In HashTable and HashMap some methods are potential problems for multi-thread access, such as remove method, that first checks that the element exists, then removes it. These kind of methods are implemented as atomic operations in ConcurrentHashMap , thus you do not need to afraid that you will lose some data.

However it does not mean that this class is automatically locked for each operation. High level operations such as putAll and iterators are not synchronized. The class does not provide strong consistency. The order and timing of your operations are guaranteed to not to corrupt the object, but are not guaranteed to generate accurate results.

For example if your print the object concurrently with a call to putAll , you might see a partially populated output. Using an iterator concurrently with new insertions also might not reflect all insertions as you quoted.

This is different from being thread safe. Even though the results might surprise you, you are assured that nothing is lost or accidentally overwritten, elements are added to and removed from your object without any problem. If this behaviour is sufficient for your requirements you are advised to use java.util.concurrent classes. If you need more consistency, then you need to use synchronized classes from java.util or use synchronization yourself.

By your definition the Set returned by ConcurrentHashMap.keySet() is thread safe.

However, it may act in very strange ways, as pointed out in the quote you included.

  1. As a Set , entries may appear and/or disappear at random. Ie if you call contains twice on the same object, the two results may differ.
  2. As an Iterable you could begin two iterations of its underlying objects in two different threads and discover that the two iterations enumerate different entries.
  3. Furthermre, contains and iteration may not match either.

This activity will not occur, however, if you somehow lock the underlying Map from modification while you have hold of your Set but the need to do that does not imply that the structure is not thread safe.

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