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C# File saving issues

I'm trying to put all of these strings together into a path for my program to save a document in. Nothing fancy. but every time I go to save the file in debugging, it will create a folder named after the file and do nothing else. I feel like this is a simple issue, but I cant find how to fix it. Help please!

my code

 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   string strNotes = rtbNotes.Text.ToString();
   string strUser = txtUser.Text.ToString() + "\\";
   string strClass = txtClass.Text.ToString() + "\\";
   string strDate = DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
   string strLocation = "C:\\Users\\My\\Desktop\\Notes\\";
   string strType = txtType.Text.ToString();
   string strFile = strLocation + strUser + strClass + strDate;
   string subPath = strFile + "." + strType;
    bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath);
    if (!isExists)
   System.IO.File.WriteAllText(strFile, strNotes);

Firstly, your strLocation path is invalid:


Secondly you are passing entire file path (including file name / extension) into Directory.Exists so its actually checking to see to see if a folder named "12/12/13.txt" exists (you should simply pass the folder path).

You are then trying to write a file but passing what should be a directory path...

Are you using a debugger to step through your code? This would help.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strNotes = "Some test notes.";
            string strUser = "someuser" + "\\";
            string strClass = "SomeClass" + "\\";
            string strDate = DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
            string strLocation = "C:\\Users\\My\\Desktop\\Notes\\";
            string strType = "txt";
            string strFile = strLocation + strUser + strClass + strDate; // ... this is: C:\Users\My\Desktop\Notes\
            string subPath = strFile + "." + strType; // .. this is: C:\Users\My\Desktop\Notes\someuser\SomeClass\26-10-2013.txt
            bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath); // ... Checks directory: C:\Users\My\Desktop\Notes\ exists...
            if (!isExists)
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(subPath); // ... Creates directory:  C:\Users\My\Desktop\Notes\ ...
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(strFile, strNotes); // ... Writes file: this is: C:\Users\My\Desktop\Notes\26-10-2013 ...

You need to debug and watch the value of subPath. It looks like this is being set to the value of your intended file name but without the extension.

I think you should have had

string subPath = strLocation + strUser + strClass + strDate;
string strFile = subPath + "." + strType;

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