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For loop in assembly goes on forever

The code below, the for loop will not stop looping the string. it goes on forever. But should only go on for how long the user inputs a number.

    segment .data 
  integer1: times 4 db 0 
heeder: db "%d", 0 
strin: db "Enter the number: ", 0
 segment .bss 

SECTION .text 
 global _main 

 extern _scanf 
 extern _printf 


    push integer1 ; address of integer1 (second parameter)
   push heeder ; arguments are right to left (first parameter)
   call _scanf
add esp, 8
mov eax, 0
mov eax, [integer1]

mov  ecx, eax

 cmp eax, ecx 
 jbe for
 jmp end
 push strin
 call _printf
add esp, 4
 inc eax
      jmp loop

Can you get what is wrong with the code?

After you call printf() the value in eax is the return value of the printf function - eax is not preserved by the call.

Note that even after you fix that problem, there's at least one other bug - eax and ecx start the loop with the same value - it looks like you want `eax1 to be set to 0, but you're doing that too soon.

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