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Dynamic Table/Entity names in Doctrine 2

I am hoping someone can shed some light on what is going on with my code.

I need to have an entity that represents a generic table as a model for tables with X id suffix. For example, I have an entity: CustomerX The tables I need to query are cusotmer_1, customer_2, customer_3...etc..

I am currently using:

class CustomerX {
 * CustomerX
 * @Table(name="customer_")
 * @Entity

//..... properties and setters/getters....

private $_tableName = null;

public function getTableName() {
    return $this->_tableName;

public function setTableName($tableName) {
    $this->_tableName = $tableName;
    return $this;

public function loadClassMetadata(LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $eventArgs)
    $classMetadata = $eventArgs->getClassMetadata();

    $table = $classMetadata->table;
    $table['name'] = 'customer_'.$this->getTableName();

public static function getCustomerRecords($CustomerId) {
    $em = \Helper_Doctrine::em();

    $custTable = new \ME\CustomerX();
    $evm = $em->getEventManager();
    $evm->addEventListener(\Doctrine\ORM\Events::loadClassMetadata, $custTable);

    //get the customer info
    $query = $em->createQuery(
        'SELECT w
         FROM \ME\CustomerX w
         WHERE w.customerId = :CustId';
    $query->setParameter('CustId', $CustomerId);
    $custParams = $query->getResult();

    $evm->removeEventListener(\Doctrine\ORM\Events::loadClassMetadata, $custTable);

    return $custParams;


So the issue is, i can get this to set correctly the first time I run through getting a customer, but then the second time, the sql generated by doctrine ends up using the first table I created.

So if i run: CustomerX::getCustomerRecords('123') first, the sql that gets executed and when I run CustomerX::getCustomerRecords('987') still is using 'customer_123'.

I must be doing something wrong. If anyone has any suggestions on how to correctly remove or reset the table name to something new, that would be great.


I initially used this as reference. Programmatically modify table's schema name in Doctrine2?

Question is old, but it can be helpful for someone.

If loadClassMetada called each time then it seems that issue in your code. But, I suppose, that metadata is cached by doctrine. In that case you can change it directly, please look following code snippet, it should work:

class FooController extends Controller {
  function fooAction() {
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
    $cm = $em->getClassMetadata('FooBundle:FooEntity');
    $repo = $em->getRepository('FooBundle:FooEntity');
    $entities = $repo->createQueryBuilder('f')
            ->orderBy('f.id', 'desc')
    return new Response('');

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