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Convert a perl regex to a python regex

I'm trying to convert a perl regex to python equivalent.

Line in perl:

($Cur) = $Line =~ m/\s*\<stat\>(.+)\<\/stat\>\s*$/i;

What I've attempted, but doesn't seem to work:

m = re.search('<stat>(.*?)</stat>/i', line)
cur = m.group(0)

almost /i means case insensitive

m = re.search(r'<stat>(.*?)</stat>',line,re.IGNORECASE)

also use the r modifier on the string so you dont need to escape stuff like angle brackets.

but my guess is a better solution is to use an html/xml parser like beautifulsoup or other similar packages

Something like the following ...

r is Python's raw string notation for regex patterns and to avoid escaping, after the prefix comes your regular expression following your string data. re.I is used for case-insensitive matching.

See the re documentation explaining this in more detail.

To find your match, you could use the group() method of MatchObject like the following:

cur = re.search(r'<stat>([^<]*)</stat>', line).group(1)

Using search() matches only the first occurrence, use findall() to match all occurrences.

matches = re.findall(r'<stat>([^<]*)</stat>', line)

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