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C++ iostream UTF-16 file I/O with CR LF translation

I want to read and write utf-16 files which use CR LF line separators (L"\\r\\n"). Using C++ (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010) iostreams. I want every L"\\n" written to the stream to be translated to L"\\r\\n" transparently. Using the codecvt_utf16 locale facet requires to open the fstream in ios::binary mode, losing the usual text mode \\n to \\r\\n translation.

std::wofstream wofs;
wofs.open("try_utf16.txt", std::ios::binary);
        new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, std::generate_header>));
wofs << L"Hi!\n"; // i want a '\r' to be inserted before the '\n' in the output file

I want a solution without needing extra libraries like BOOST.

I think I've found a solution myself, I want to share it. Your comments are welcome!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

class wcrlf_filebuf : public std::basic_filebuf<wchar_t>
    typedef std::basic_filebuf<wchar_t> BASE;
    wchar_t awch[128];
    bool bBomWritten;
        : bBomWritten(false)
    { memset(awch, 0, sizeof awch); }

    wcrlf_filebuf(const wchar_t *wszFilespec, 
                  std::ios_base::open_mode _Mode = std::ios_base::out) 
        : bBomWritten(false)
        memset(awch, 0, sizeof awch);
        BASE::open(wszFilespec, _Mode | std::ios_base::binary);
        pubsetbuf(awch, _countof(awch));

    wcrlf_filebuf *open(const wchar_t *wszFilespec, 
                        std::ios_base::open_mode _Mode = std::ios_base::out)
        BASE::open(wszFilespec, _Mode | std::ios_base::binary);
        pubsetbuf(awch, _countof(awch));
        return this;

    virtual int_type overflow(int_type ch = traits_type::eof())
        if (!bBomWritten) {
            bBomWritten = true;
            int_type iRet = BASE::overflow(0xfeff);
            if (iRet != traits_type::not_eof(0xfeff)) return iRet;
        if (ch == '\n') {
            int_type iRet = BASE::overflow('\r');
            if (iRet != traits_type::not_eof('\r')) return iRet;
        return BASE::overflow(ch);

class wcrlfofstream : public std::wostream
    typedef std::wostream BASE;
    wcrlfofstream(const wchar_t *wszFilespec, 
                  std::ios_base::open_mode _Mode = std::ios_base::out) 
        : std::wostream(new wcrlf_filebuf(wszFilespec, _Mode))

    wcrlf_filebuf* rdbuf()
        return dynamic_cast<wcrlf_filebuf*>(std::wostream::rdbuf());

    void close()

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