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Is there a way to let Rails push an internal repository to Github while its hosted?

Assume that I have a Rails project. I have published it on a server like Heroku. Think of it as a small app that have to update a git repository (a separate repository in its public folder). Is there a way to achieve this?

For example...

Think that i have some markdown files in my public folder. My rails app will give me an interface to edit these files. When the editing is over, I need to push these files to a git repository. Only that folder through a script in the Rails app.

You can either shell out to git:

Dir.chdir('/path/to/git/tree') do
  system = "git commit -m'Updated by rails' -- #{name_of_file_to_commit}"
  # Check $?, and do some appropriate error handling if it's != 0

Or you can use one of the several ruby Gems for interfacing with git. I am not familiar enough with them to recommend one; in any case, any recommendation will soon be out of date. It's best to do your own search, find candidate gems, and try them.

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