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Changing Slots on Qt Menu Bar (with image)

this is more of a functionality question than programming question but I can't find any other idiot operators like me out there that are having the same problem as me, or haven't figured it out themselves.

I've got a good basic understanding of CLI C++ so I want to get into the Qt Framework. I'm using their tutorials to get started... http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtdoc/gettingstartedqt.html#adding-menu-items

The tutorial says that all I need is to "right-click an action and select Go to slot > triggered()."

The image below shows in red circles two of the primary places I've tried right clicking. I've also tried going through the menu and looking for things but to no avail. (Question continued below picture.)


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here or am I reading this wrong? Thanks in advance. FYI the open button and save button under central widget is for the Open and Save buttons I added, NOT for the menu toolbar open and save functions.

Near the bottom of Qt Creator find the tabs "Action Editor" and "Signals & Slots Editor". Click the "Action Editor" tab to show a list of all the actions in your UI. You should be able to right-click these items and select "Go to slot...".

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