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How to set file limit for FileUpload in Java

I am using Primefaces' FileUpload. Can't figure out how to set FileLimit property from Java. There are no setFileLimit function, but in xhtml this property is accessible ( Primefaces Upload Example )

FileUpload filenameCreateInput = (FileUpload)

In my application I bind those limitations with the properties of a back-end bean, but I'm not sure if there is other way to do it.

<p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{bean.handleFileUpload}" mode="advanced" dragDropSupport="false"  
                  multiple="true" update="messages" sizeLimit="#{bean.sizeLimit}" fileLimit="#{bean.fileLimit}" />

In your java bean:

private final Integer sizeLimit = 100000;
private final Integer fileLimit = 3;

... and their getters

The show case is based on version 4.0 of Primefaces.
According to the Primefaces documentation for version 3.4 there is no setFileLimit method for FileUpload . It does not exist in the tag documentation as well.
It looks like it is available since version 4.0 of the API .

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