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Assign to new local variable shortcut (ctrl-2 L) in android studio

I've just moved from Eclipse to android studio. One of my most used shortcut is ctrl-2 L, which will automatically assign a variable with a name and import the necessary class.

new View();

and press Ctrl-2 L, which results in:

View view = new View();

Is there a way to do it in android studio?

You Can See Shortcut Key in Refactor -> Extract Menu

Mac Extract Variable Use Below Shortcut:

1- + + V for local variable

2- + + F for class/field variable

3- + + C for constant

I think you must use Control+Alt key for Windows


Well this is pretty old but here is what I did just now.

I wrote

new View()

no column and space and just typed

new View().var

and pressed CTRL+ [SPACE] here's what appears: 在此处输入图片说明

and as I press RETURN on the suggestion bubble...



Discovered this in a recent session on flutter using Intelli-J and since Android Studio is based on the same IDE so, it worked!

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