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eclipse execute jar file run on linux machine

My main code has two class and main has two references

LookupService citylookup = new LookupService("D://GeoLiteCity.dat"...
FileReader fr =new FileReader("d:\\IP.txt");

I export them into an executable jar file and I get D://testIP.jar and D://testIP_lib/reference libraries...jar

I run java -jar testIP.jar and it works.

However, I revise my reference to linux machine path ex: /home/admin/GeoLiteCity.dat and /home/admin/IP.txt and move textIP.jar and testIP_lib and GeoLiteCity.dat IP.txt to /home/admin/ I run java -jar testIP.jar again I get error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maxmind/geoip/LookupService
    at testIP.CountryLookupTest.main(CountryLookupTest.java:18)

I check they are java 1.7..version I don't know where I should set up ? Thank you.

Sounds like a classpath difference between the two environments. Check the CLASSPATH environment variable in both environments, and check the Class-Path entry in the MANIFEST.MF file in the jar. I suspect that Eclipse built the jar with a Windows-based Class-Path entry in the Manifest file inside the jar.

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