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Index of an item within a list within a list?

Say that I have the following the code:

names_list = [['Abby', 'Albert'], ['Bert', 'Bob'], ['Gina', 'Greg']]

Now how would you print Albert ? To print 'abby', 'albert' I'd use:

print (names_list[0])

How would you use an item within the list though? Hope you understand what I mean.

print (names_list[0][1]) # prints Albert

To answer the question in your comment:

names_list = [['Abby', ['name', 'lastname']]]

print(names_list[0][1][1]) # prints lastname

              |            0               |  # names_list[0]
names_list = [['Abby', ['name', 'lastname']]]
               |  0  | |         1        |   # two elems within names_list[0]
                        | 0  |  |    1   |    # two elems in names_list[0][1]

You can do it in 2 steps

Python 3.3.1 (default, Sep 25 2013, 19:29:01) 
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux
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>>> names_list = [['Abby', 'Albert'], ['Bert', 'Bob'], ['Gina', 'Greg']]
>>> firstset = names_list[0]
>>> print (firstset)
['Abby', 'Albert']
>>> albert = firstset[1]
>>> print (albert)

Or you can do it in one step

>>> print (names_list[0][1])

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