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How to run one Java class and then another Java class in Eclipse?

I know it may be weird question but I'm really stuck. I have simple program with two classes. I need pass array from class A to class B. I did it but I cannot test it because I have no idea how to run program. When I click on the run then only one class started. I wanted test whole program and cannot find anything how to do it. Is there any command or something which say run class A and then class B? Without it I cannot test class B because values from Array (class A) are not loaded :/ Hope you understand what I mean.

I'm using eclipse.


Class MarkCalculator

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MarkCalculator {

public static int[] exam_grade = new int[6];
public static int[] coursework_grade = new int[6];
public static int[] coursework_weight = new int[2];
public static int[] module_points = new int[6];
public static String module_grade, holder;
public static int counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);

for (int i=0; i<3; i++){

    System.out.printf(i+1+". Modelue"+" Enter grade of exam:");

    while (!input.hasNextInt() ){

        System.out.printf("Enter only numbers! Enter grade of your exam: ");


    System.out.printf(i+1+". Modelue"+" Enter grade of coursework:");

    while (!input.hasNextInt()){

        System.out.printf("Enter only numbers! Enter grade of your coursework: ");


computeMark(coursework_grade, exam_grade, module_points);

// calculate module grade
for(int i = 0 ;i < 3; i++){

    if (module_points[i] < 35){
        System.out.println(i+1+".Module: Fail");

    else if (module_points[i] >= 35 && module_points[i] <= 40){
        System.out.println(i+1+".Module: Pass by compensation");

    else {
        System.out.println(i+1+".Module: Pass");


holder = computeResult(module_points, counter1,counter2, module_grade);
System.out.println("Your stage result is: "+ holder);


public static int[] computeMark (int coursework_grade[], int exam_grade[], int module_points[]){

coursework_weight[0]= 50;
coursework_weight[1]= 50;

for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

    if (coursework_grade[i] < 35 || exam_grade[i] < 35){

        module_points[i]=(coursework_grade[i]*coursework_weight[0] + (exam_grade[i]*(100-coursework_weight[1])))/100;

        if (module_points[i] > 35){
            module_points[i] = 35; } 

        else {
            module_points[i] = 0;


    else {
        module_points[i]=((coursework_grade[i]*coursework_weight[0] + (exam_grade[i]*(100-coursework_weight[1])))/100); }


return module_points;       

public static String computeResult (int module_points[], int counter1, int                 counter2,     String module_grade ){

int sum = 0;
double average = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

    sum = sum + module_points[i];
    average = sum / 3;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

    if (counter2 == 3){
        module_grade = "Pass";

    else if (average >= 40 && counter1 <= 2) {
        module_grade = "Pass by compensation";

    else {
        module_grade = "Fail";


return module_grade;



Class StudentChart

public class StudentChart {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){



You only need one main method.

class A {
    String s;

    public A(String s){
        this.s = s;

public class B {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        A a = new A("Hello");
        System.out.println(a.s + " world!");

class B will be the application program, the one with the main method. It will get values from class A . class A does not need to run for class B app to work, even though it uses values from class A .

You can have a method with a different name in another class, and call that method from your main method.

Do not call it public static void main though - that should only be used for standalone programs. If the method requires some other code to be run prior to it, it should not be the main method of a Java program.

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