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The result of array_unique

Working with DateTime in projects again have a problem with duplicating if use array_unique to array which have a elemts of object,(but probles only with DateTime), see code:

class simpleClass
    public $dt;

    function __construct($dt)
        $this->dt = $dt;

$dateObj = new simpleClass(new DateTime);
$std = new stdClass;
$arr = [$dateObj, $dateObj, $std, $std, $std, $std];

var_dump(array_unique($arr, SORT_REGULAR));

Expected 1 element with dateObj But actually there 2

Function array_unique() will compare strings, so objects will be casted to strings. Solution to that would be to use __toString() magic method to return full date identifier:

class simpleClass
    public $dt;

    function __construct(DateTime $dt) {
        $this->dt = $dt;

    public function __toString() {
        return $this->dt->format('r');


$dateObj1 = new simpleClass(new DateTime);
$dateObj2 = new simpleClass(new DateTime);
$dateObj3 = new simpleClass(new DateTime('today'));
$arr = [$dateObj1, $dateObj2, $dateObj3];


Demo .

I still can't understand. Setting the array with:

$arr = [$dateObj, $dateObj, $std, $std];


array (size=2)
    0 => 
            public 'dt' => 
                  public 'date' => string '2013-11-14 14:37:08' (length=19)
                  public 'timezone_type' => int 3
                  public 'timezone' => string 'Europe/Rome' (length=11)
    2 => 

This way, array_unique seems to work...

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