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How to change traitsui view dynamically in active window

I would like to set up an interface such that, upon listening to a trait, the interface will switch between different predefined View objects. Here is an example:

class App(Handler):

    spinner_view=View(Item('number',editor=RangeEditor(mode='spinner',high=10,  low=1)),Item('message'),Item('view_type'))
    slider_view=View(Item('number',editor=RangeEditor(mode='slider',high=10,    low=1)),Item('message'),Item('view_type'))

    def chg_view_type(self):

    def init_info(self,info):
    def reconstruct(self):

This code works and does everything that it needs to do for the toy example presented. However, my application has complex editors (including but not necessarily limited to a SceneEditor for a mayavi scene), that destroy their entire contents when disposed of. I am wondering if there is a simpler way of dynamically changing the view of a particular Item or subpanel (altering the view of an Instance that does not change would be just fine) while a window is active, whether by simplicity or trickery.

如果您只需要动态可见性,那么应该这样做: https//github.com/enthought/traitsui/blob/master/examples/demo/Dynamic_Forms/visible_when.py

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