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MFC - Overriding the virtual method OnUpdateValue() from the CMFCPropertyGridProperty class

in a MFC Project of mine, I was trying to override the virtual method BOOL OnUpdateMethod() from the CMFCPropertyGridProperty Class. The method's new implementation should update some child properties whenever a combobox on a parent property is changed.

So, I've created a new class using the CMFCPropertyGridProperty as a base class. Here's my problem: I am not being able to move forward because the compiler states to me that there is no appropriate constructor available ( Error C2512 ). So, I've tried to declare and implement the same constructor of CMFCPropertyGridProperty and more errors are generated!

What should I do in order to implement any public virtual method properly? I believe that the solution for this is really simple, but I am kind of a noob at C++ and MFC.

According to the documentation , the constructor requires between 1 and 3 parameters. You need to supply those parameters via the initialization list of your own constructor.

class CMyGridProperty: public CMFCPropertyGridProperty
    CMyGridProperty(const CString& strGroupName,
                    DWORD_PTR dwData=0,
                    BOOL bIsValueList=FALSE)
       : CMFCPropertyGridProperty(strGroupName, dwData, bIsValueList)

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