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return stored proc results as XML

I am writing an interface in a Web service that returns XML output. The output is queried from a MS SQL database by calling stored procedure. While the stored procedure itself is not returning XML, and I don't have any control over it, I need to return the result set as XML.

Right now, I'm using XmlWriter. Is there an easier, elegant way to do this?

        StringBuilder sbLog = new StringBuilder();
        XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sbLog);

        while (sqlRdr.Read())


           //and so on

Yeah XDocument is probably a cleaner interface. It would look something like this:

var doc = new XDocument(
    new XElement("LogSet",
        new XElement("EntryID", sqlRdr["EntryID"].ToString()),
        new XElement(...)

// save it to a file

// or just return it
return doc.ToString();

I'm not sure about it's elegance (I guess that partially depends on how many times you need to reproduce this sort of thing in your code), but I wrote an XmlDataReader a while back that converts tabular data in an IDataReader into an Xml result without the need to create a secondary document/string. As WebServices could return an XmlNode (rather than XmlReader) the second class XmlNodeFactory does that conversion.

Here is the Gist for XmlDataReader And for the XmlNodeFactory

Usage is something like:

public XmlNode GetFeaturedItems(string storeId)
    var xmlReader = new XmlDataReader( 
            IncludeIndexField = false,
            IncludeResultLevel = false,
            RootElementName = "FeaturedItems",
            RowElementNameFormat = "Item"

    return XmlNodeFactory.Create(xmlReader);      

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