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Increasing java heap size general

I'm using a Windows 7 PC and i want to increase my java heap size but not for an application So the command java -xmx4g eg is not possible. I want to increase the java heap size in generel. Is this somehow possible? I appreciate every answer.

Sorry for my bad english

PS: I'm using 64-bit JVM on a 64-bit Win 7 PC commands -java Xmx6G and set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024M -Xmx6144M does not work even when writing it in the startup.bat I get the error in a program that consists of 10 same steps the first 4 are no problem but after the 4th i get the error. Error: javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Java heap space

Best regards, Eros Kilinc

仅在64位JVM和64位Windows上才有可能,在32位JVM / PC上,最大堆大小约为1.2M

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