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Python String Templates

We are using string template to replace some values in Python String by supplying a dict . It works fine . However despite using safe_substitute this below code doesnt work as expected . Any idea why ?

from string import Template 
obj = Template("$$Tag$$") 

Output : '$Tag$' Expected : '$$Tag$$' 
(As there is no value to replace in the dict supplied .)

This same issue happens for '####' if I make '##' as the delimiter . Anyone knows why is it ignoring an extra delimiter ? Just trying to understand what happens under the hood .

From docs :

$$ is an escape; it is replaced with a single $ .

If you want double $ , then you can use something like:

>>> obj = Template("$$$$Tag$$$$")
>>> obj.safe_substitute({})
>>> obj.safe_substitute({'Tag':1})
>>> obj = Template("$$$Tag$$$") #First $ escapes the second $
>>> obj.safe_substitute({'Tag':1})

From the doc :

"$$" is an escape; it is replaced with a single "$".

You have to put two dollar signs for each one that you want in the output:

>>> Template('$$$$Tag$$$$').substitute()

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