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Passing relative function pointers as parameters

Say I have a namespace KeyManager and I have the function press

std::vector<std::function<void()>*> functions;

void KeyManager::addFunction(std::function<void()> *listener)

void KeyManager::callFunctions()
    for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i)
        // Calling all functions in the vector:

and I have class Car and in the constructor of car I want to pass it's relative function pointer to a class function like so:

void Car::printModel()
    fprintf(stdout, "%s", this->model.c_str());

Car::Car(std::string model)
    this->model = model;

I get the following error when trying to pass the relative function pointer:

error C3867: 'Car::printModel': function call missing argument list; use '&Car::printModel' to create a pointer to member

How do I fix this?

You have to use std::bind to create an std::function that invokes a member function on a specific object. This is how that works:

Car::Car(std::string model)
    this->model = model;
    KeyManager::addFunction(std::bind(&Car::printModel, this));

Is there a specific reason why you are passing the std::function as pointer, instead of a value? If you are not binding any arguments that are expensive to copy, I would rather not do that.

Also, callFunctions can be simplified using a lambda:

void KeyManager::callFunctions() 
    for (auto & f : functions) 

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