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How to use .split with new lines in a 2d array Java Android

I have a .txt file, in my assets folder which reads something like this:

I love life ;
We all dance ;
Too much pizza ;

I want to store each one of these elements into a String[] which is declared in my graphics file.

The code in my main as of right now reads

AssetManager am = getResources().getAssets();
InputStream is=null;

try {
    is = am.open("b.txt");
    InputStreamReader bFile= new InputStreamReader((is),"UTF-8");
    BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(bFile);
    ArrayList<String> bPlaceHold= new ArrayList<String>();
    String[] bPlace2;
    String line= br.readLine();

    while(line !=null)
        bPlace2= line.split(";\n");


} catch (IOException e) {

I've read everything I could find relating to the topic but no matter what method i try only the very first line from the file is displaying and it crashes once it trys to .get(1); Any help would be greatly appreciated I'm new to all the formalities involved in android/java programming

Your code should be like this :


Reason : You are actually storing value of line at index 0 and trying to fetch the value of index one which throws you an exception. Hope this will clear your doubt.

You are adding whole string instead of splited one.


try like this instead of


I hope this will help you.

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