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Should I use synchronized block for this simple case?

Say I have a Resource class which holds a Map type resources object:

public class Resource {
   private Map<Integer, MyResource> resources = new HashMap<Integer, MyResource>();

   public void addResource(MyResource r){
        resources.put(r.getId(), r);

   public void removeResource(int id){


Since multiple threads could access the resources , so I always use synchronized block for adding new resource & removing existing resource like the code shows above.

Now, I would also like to add a function to get all the current resources, my question is very simple, that's should I use synchronized block too to return all the current resources or is it worthless to use synchronized block ?

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources(){
     return resources;

Is it enough to use above code to return current resources, or is it still beneficial to use synchronized block as below:

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources(){
       return resources;

Personally, I feel that it doesn't worth to use synchronized block for getting resources since it always return the current moment resources. But I am not sure. So, it would be nice if you could explain to me the reason whether to use synchronized block or not, thanks.

Is it enough to use above code to return current resources, or is it still beneficial to use synchronized block as below

Neither is enough. It matters little whether you return the reference to the shared map within or without the synchronized block: you must do all the reading actions within a synchronized block. In fact, you should never allow the reference to the map escape your object because then it will be on the loose, with no enforceable synchronization policy.

If you just return resources it means that anyone calling the method will get full and unsynchronized access to it. That is, the caller can add and remove items to the map without telling you and without synchronizing access with other threads. This is probably a bad idea.

The safest thing you can do is create a defensive copy while holding the lock on resources :

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources(){
       return new HashMap<Integer, MyResource>(resources);

Update: An alterative is using Collections.synchronizedMap ConcurrentHashMap to ensure all accesses are thread safe, and then return an unmodifiable view so that code calling getResources cannot modify the map you use internally.

Update 2: Don't use Collections.synchronizedMap for this: iterating on the map would require synchronizing on it, and if getResources returns an unmodifiable view there's no way the calling code can do that.

// Don't use synchronizedMap
// private Map<Integer, MyResource> resources = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, MyResource>());

private Map<Integer, MyResource> resources = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public void addResource(MyResource r) {
    resources.put(r.getId(), r);

public void removeResource(int id) {

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(resources);


I think that you should use synchonized blocks for putting new keys. All in all simply use ConcurrentHashMap as map implementation in concurrent environement.

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources(){
     return resources;

public Map<Integer, MyResource> getResources(){
       return resources;

both the ways are not immune of issues. As you are sending the original Map to your consumer so they can change it which will impact your class invariant. You use defensive copy , or use immutable map ie Collections.unmodifiableMap .

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