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Getting CamelContext parameters from java bean

I have an issue with Spring and Camel.

I'm sorry I can't paste real code ... So, I'm trying to get properties defined in the camel Context with a placeholder. But the properties are Empty.

<bean id="mySuperClass"
<camelContext id="blablabla" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<propertyPlaceholder id="myProp"
        location="classpath:camel/contexts/myprops.properties" />
Some fantastique code that use the properties and works.

the .java :

public class MySuperClass implements CamelContextAware

    public void getCCProperties()
           final Map<String, String> camelContextProperties = camelContext.getProperties();
            crawlerOutputDirectory = camelContextProperties.get("my.super.pro");

I just think I'm not trying the right way, thanks for you help


Properties in placeHolders can be found this way :

camelContext.resolvePropertyPlaceholders("{{" + propertyName + "}}");

ex : camelContext.resolvePropertyPlaceholders("{{output.directory}}");

Read the javadoc of the methods, getProperties on CamelContext is not for property placeholder. Use resolvePropertyPlaceholders for property placeholder

javadoc for CamelContext: http://camel.apache.org/maven/current/camel-core/apidocs/org/apache/camel/CamelContext.html

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