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How do you functional test an Android application fully using Robotium


Your question is very vague but here is my suggestion.

Test cases should be very small, you preferably want your test to only test one thing so that you know exactly what went wrong if it fails. Unfortunately this is an idealist view and unlikely to be the case especially with fairly slow UI based tests.

So here is what i recommend you do, I would create test classes not based on the activity they test but based around the functionality they are testing (this is probably pretty close to the activities though, eg login page) and then have a method in each that tests each requirement (eg failed login, succesfull login etc) but make sure that each test takes you back to a common starting point, in this case I would suggest the login page, that way your tests can run in any order and each one tests each individual test flow.

You can try to rename your test method to have a flow identified by alphabetical order of the names.

For example if you have a login and then a checkin you could call the first test method test_app_001_login and the second test_app_002_checkin

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