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FindElements is not returning all matched elements

I am using Selenium C#. Here is the html that I'm searching (please excuse the spelling - it is not a transcription error):

<td class="Search3-product-cell" align="left">
  <div class="SearchRersultsNameCell">
    <a id="MainPlaceHolder_ContentPlaceHolder_SearchMatrix_SearchResultView_ProductNameLink_33" class="Name">Tango 6 Pc. Queen Bedroom Set</a>
    <a id="MainPlaceHolder_ContentPlaceHolder_SearchMatrix_SearchResultView_ProductPriceLink_33">$1,999.00</a>

I have an IWebElement reference (x) to the td element. But I have not been able to 'see' the second anchor element inside it. I have tried two primary ways.

Method 1:

foreach (IWebElement we in x.FindElements(By.TagName("a"))) // for each anchor element
     if (we.GetAttribute("class").Equals("Name"))
        name = we.Text;
        price = Util.ConvertCurrencyToDecimal(we.Text);

With this code, it never sees the second anchor (the one without 'class="Name"').

The second method is:

IWebElement x = elem.FindElement(By.ClassName("SearchRersultsNameCell"));
myLocator = By.CssSelector("a[id^='MainPlaceHolder_ContentPlaceHolder_SearchMatrix_SearchResultView_ProductNameLink_']");
if (SeleniumHelpers.IsElementPresentNoWait(elem, myLocator))
    name = x.FindElement(myLocator).Text;
    name = "Name not found";

myLocator = By.CssSelector("a[id^='MainPlaceHolder_ContentPlaceHolder_SearchMatrix_SearchResultView_ProductPriceLink_']");
if (SeleniumHelpers.IsElementPresentNoWait(elem, myLocator))
    price = x.FindElement(myLocator).Text;
    price = -1;

Again, in neither case does the code see the second anchor.

What am I missing?? Thanks in advance.


if (we.GetAttribute("class").Equals("Name"))

GetAttribute() will return null if the attribute doesn't exist. In this example, the second a tag doesn't have the class attribute and returns null . Calling Equals() on null results in a null pointer exception, causing at least the for loop to exit.

Documentation on the GetAttribute() method: http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/WebElement.html#getAttribute(java.lang.String)

My profound apologies. It turns out Selenium is working correctly - and returning all elements. The problem was there was a subtle difference in the configuration used when running the automated tests and how I was running the browser manually, resulting in different browser page content. Sorry for wasting people's time! Color me embarrassed.

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