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Retrieve JSON Object from REST Blogger Api Request with PHP

I'm still wondering how to get json object from REST Api request from this link https://developers.google.com/blogger/docs/3.0/using .

It says GET https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/2399953?key=YOUR-API-KEY request will give informations about particular blog.

I'm also PHP noobs. Here's my code.

$blogID = 'xxx'; 
$apikey = 'yyy';

$requestURL = "https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/{$blogID}?key={$apikey}";

$json = file_get_contents($requestURL);


I have no idea about this, so please help me to find where the problem is. Thanks in advance

Try this:

$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($requestURL));

You are fetching a JSON string and trying to print_r it, which only works on arrays.

json_decode , as its name implies, decodes the JSON string and transforms it into an array / object.

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