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C# Access to a generic class member whose type is a generic argument type, only via an interface

I have a generic class who holds a member whose type is an argument type.
I want to be able to access this member only by one of the interface it implements.
The reason I want to access the member only via this interface, instead of enumerating all the concrete types it could be, is because there are a great number of those types.

So concretely I want to find an equivalent of line 61 in that code (it is a compilation error):

using System;
using System.Linq;

/* Interfaces */
public interface IArgumentClass
    void IArgumentClassMethod();
public interface ISpecialArgumentClass
    void ISpecialArgumentClassMethod();
public interface IContainerClass
    void IContainerClassClassMethod();

/* Argument types */
public class ArgumentClass0 : IArgumentClass
    public void IArgumentClassMethod(){}
public class SpecialArgumentClass0 : IArgumentClass, ISpecialArgumentClass
    public void IArgumentClassMethod(){}
    public void ISpecialArgumentClassMethod(){}
public class SpecialArgumentClass1 : IArgumentClass, ISpecialArgumentClass
    public void IArgumentClassMethod() { }
    public void ISpecialArgumentClassMethod() { }

/* Container types */
public class GenericContainer<T> : IContainerClass
    where T : IArgumentClass, new()
    public T t = new T();
    public void IContainerClassClassMethod() { }
public class NonGenericContainer : IContainerClass
    public void IContainerClassClassMethod(){}

/* main program */
public class Test
    public static void Main()
        // Instantiate
        IContainerClass[] containers = 
            new GenericContainer<ArgumentClass0>(),
            new GenericContainer<SpecialArgumentClass0>(),
            new GenericContainer<SpecialArgumentClass1>(),
            new NonGenericContainer()

        // We want to call IContainerClassClassMethod methods on all instances:
        foreach (IContainerClass container in containers)

        // We want to call ISpecialArgumentClassMethod on instances where it's possible:
        foreach (IContainerClass container in containers)
            if (container.GetType().IsGenericType && container.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(GenericContainer<>))
                foreach (Type typeArgument in container.GetType().GetGenericArguments())
                    if (typeArgument.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ISpecialArgumentClass)))
                        // Next line is a compilation error. How can I get a similar result?
                        GenericContainer<ISpecialArgumentClass> mySpecializedClassWithSpecialArgument = container as GenericContainer<ISpecialArgumentClass>;

Note: You can fork and edit the code here .

You get the compilation error because ISpecialArgumentClass is not of type IArgumentClass , but your GenericClass requires exactly this.

To solve this, you could introduce an empty interface which serves as base for both argument classes:

First, modify your interface declaration like this:

public interface IArgumentClassBase

public interface IArgumentClass : IArgumentClassBase
    String GetNormalString();

public interface ISpecialArgumentClass : IArgumentClassBase
    String GetSpecialString();

... then modify your generic class declaration like so:

public class GenericClass<T> : IContainerClass
    where T : IArgumentClassBase, new()

Then the rest of your code should work...

A really simple solution is to just cast it to dynamic - you know it has a t field, so this should be safe to do.

if (typeArgument.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ISpecialArgumentClass)))
    dynamic mySpecializedClassWithSpecialArgument =
        mySpecializedClass as dynamic;

    ISpecialArgumentClass specialArgumentClass = mySpecializedClassWithSpecialArgument.t;



I tried to edit it in ideone, but it would not compile. I suspect it's targeting an older version of .NET - dynamic was introduced in .NET 4 (VS 2010). However, I've tested the code in 2013 and it works.

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