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C# Constructor with argument on generic type combine with interface

Ok, here we go ! I try to do a thing I never try before and... C# bit me.

The thing is my program need to translate some input objects to an output objects, with many in for one out at the time. And the out need the in for instantiate.

I'm not sure I'm very clear at this point... So an example to illustrate this will be better :

public class Class1
    public interface ITranslatable { }

    public interface ITranslatable<T> { }

    public class OriginClass : ITranslatable { }

    public class TargetClass : ITranslatable<OriginClass>
        public TargetClass(OriginClass origin)
            // Instantiate some properties from arg

    public class Test
        public Y Execute<X, Y>(X origin, Y target)
            where X : ITranslatable
            where Y : ITranslatable<X>, new()
            target = new Y(origin); // <= How can I make this
            // Some stuff
            return target;

    public TargetClass Function(OriginClass origin, TargetClass target)
        var test = new Test();
        return test.Execute(origin, target);

You declared new() constraint which mean that you expect class to have empy parameterless constuctor.

Does below code fits you needs?

 public class Class1
    public interface ITranslatable { }

    public interface ITranslatable<T>
        T Origin { get; set; }

    public class OriginClass : ITranslatable


    public class TargetClass : ITranslatable<OriginClass>
        private OriginClass _origin;

        public OriginClass Origin
            get => _origin;
                //Do some stuff
                _origin = value;

        public TargetClass()



    public class Test
        public Y Execute<X, Y>(X origin, Y target)
            where X : ITranslatable
            where Y : ITranslatable<X>, new()
            var result = new Y {Origin = origin};

            // Some stuff
            return target;

    public TargetClass Function(OriginClass origin, TargetClass target)
        var test = new Test();
        return test.Execute(origin, target);

After a few tries, I found the solution : use an abstract class.


public class Class1
    public interface ITranslatable { }

    public interface ITranslatableOut
        ITranslatable Origin { set; }

    public class OriginClass : ITranslatable
        public string Custom { get; set; }

    public abstract class TargetBase : ITranslatableOut
        public ITranslatable Origin { set { Initialize(value); } }

        protected abstract void Initialize(ITranslatable input);

    public class TargetClass : TargetBase
        protected override void Initialize(ITranslatable input)
            // Initialize some properties

    public class Test
        public Y Execute<X, Y>(X origin, Y target)
            where X : ITranslatable
            where Y : ITranslatableOut, new()
            target = new Y { Origin = origin }; // It works !
            // Some stuff
            return target;

    public TargetClass Function(OriginClass origin, TargetClass target)
        var test = new Test();
        return test.Execute(origin, target);

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