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Populating TreeView from database C#

I have two tables in database in relation 1:N and I want to populate treeview with data. The problem is how to add childs to each parent. This is my code:

 private void PopulateTreeView()
        DataTable dtProjekti = objDB.dbGetTable("SELECT * FROM tblProjekti");
        DataTable dtAktivnosti = objDB.dbGetTable("SELECT * FROM tblprojektakt");
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        ds.Relations.Add("childrens", dtProjekti.Columns["OznakaProjekta"], dtAktivnosti.Columns["OznakaProjekta"]);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)

             foreach (DataRow masterRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //TreeNode masterNode = new TreeNode((string)masterRow["ParentName"], Convert.ToString(masterRow["ParentId"]));
                TreeNode masterNode = new TreeNode(masterRow["OznakaProjekta"].ToString());

                foreach (DataRow childRow in masterRow.GetChildRows("Children"))
                       // missing code for adding childs to each parent     
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate treeview" + ex.Message);



The childs are values from field Description.

I know how to manually add child to each parent but i stucked whan it should be dynamically.

The childs are values from field Description.

If you mean column Description . It should be something like this:

foreach (DataRow childRow in masterRow.GetChildRows("Children"))
    masterNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(childRow["Description"].ToString()));

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