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json deserialize using jackson api

pojo class

class Authentication {

 private static final long serialVersionUID = 3808270497038004505L;

    public Authentication(){

private String userName;

private String passWord;

public String getuserName() {
    return userName;

public void setuserName(String userName) {
    userName = userName;

public String getpassWord() {
    return passWord;

public void setpassWord(String passWord) {
    passWord = passWord;


Authentication authentication= (Authentication) new JSONDeserializer<T>().deserialize(data,Authentication.class);
 return new ModelAndView().addObject(authentication);

passing data





please help me

Check if your setters are correctly written. First letter after get must be uppercase.

Also you could create your implementation of NullSerializer. For example:

public class NullSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> {

    public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

Then just set your NullSerializer to the ObjectMapper:

ObjectMapper objMapper = new ObjectMapper();
StdSerializerProvider sp = new StdSerializerProvider();
sp.setNullValueSerializer(new NullSerializer());

问题可能是setter,它们以小写字母setuser ... setpassword开头,首字母大写,这是惯例。

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