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Auto-Loading a module on IPython startup

I'm trying to to auto load the division module from __future__ on startup, i've currently got a simple script in the IPython startup libray with the line:

from __future__ import division

which works fine when run directly from the shell, however, the module does not appear to load when the line is run from the script, i made sure that the startup script is loaded by adding some arbitrary variable assignments to it:

from __future__import division

and the variables were preassigned when IPython was launched (as expected).

I've tried looking at some solutions here and here but got nowhere, any help would be appreciated, thanks

i've found a solution to this one, in your IPython profile directory (by default - .ipython\\profile_default ), edit the file ipython_config.py (create it with ipython profile create if it does not exist) with the following lines:

# loads the root config object

# executes the line in brackets on program launch
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['from __future__ import division']

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