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Insert a cronjob via bash

I'm trying to create a very simple bash script where I need to list,insert and remove my cronjobs. I'm doing the listing using crontab -l and I remove the all using crontab -r. But when i wanna insert one, my code does not work (it does not actually add the cronjob to /etc/crontab),even it does not throw any error. My code is the following:

echo "Time to be Executed"
echo -m "Enter minute:"
read m
echo -h "Enter hour:"
read h
echo -dom "Enter day of month:"
read dom
echo -mon "Enter month:"
read mon
echo -dow "Enter day of week (number or first three characters ex 1 or Mon):"
read dow
echo -j "Enter job to be executed:"
read j
echo "$m $h $dom $mon $dow root $j" >> /etc/crontab;

Do you see anything that i've done wrong here? Any help would be highly appreciated,thanks!!

I've tested your script and it works. Make sure you have the right permissions ( sudo ./myscript.sh ).

Perhaps replace the last line with: echo "$m $h $dom $mon $dow root $j" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab echo "$m $h $dom $mon $dow root $j" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab

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