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Dynamic 3D Arrays C#

Hi I am currently making a program and one aspect of it is to open other programs at a certain time and date.

I am wanting to add the details into a 3D dynamic array as there could be as many programs as the user wishes to add in.

    public static string[,,] programData = new string[,,]
        //Program                   Monday          Tuesday     Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday      Sunday          Once
     {{"File Path","File Name"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"}},
     {{"File Path","File Name"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"}},
     {{"File Path","File Name"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"},{"Day","Time"}},


The array should have a fixed value of 9 rows and 2 columns but there could be many programs[x,9,2].

Please message is this is not enough information to go off thanks.

You could use a nested dictionary.

Example being:

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, DateTime>> fileLaunchTimes = new Dictionary<string,       Dictionary<string, DateTime>>();
Dictionary<string, DateTime> dict = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
dict.Add("Monday", DateTime.Now); //etc (replace datetime.now with whatever time you want
dict.Add("Tuesday", DateTime.Now);
fileLaunchTimes.Add("filename", dict);

I dont know the performance issues with jagged arrays but your case i think you need to store

details of programs and its associated available time in your program. first create a model object of your data some thing like

 public enum Days
        Sunday = 0,
    public class Day

        public Days AssociateDay { get; set; } // used enum for better coding
        public DateTime Time { get; set; }
public class Program
    public Program()
        Days=new List<Day>();
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FilePath { get; set; }
    public string FileName { get; set; }
    public List<Day> Days { get; private set; }

    public void AddDay(Day day)
        { // i dont know whats ur logic  here i am  returning without doing anything






public class MyProgram
    private static void Main(string[] args)

        List<Program> Programs = new List<Program>();

        // Code to add new Program

        Program urProgram = new Program {FileName = "UrFile.aspx", FilePath = "Ur System Drive",Id = 1};
        urProgram.AddDay(new Day{AssociateDay = Days.Sunday,Time = DateTime.Now});

        Program myprogram = new Program { FileName = "MyFile.aspx", FilePath = "My System Drive" ,Id = 2};
        urProgram.AddDay(new Day { AssociateDay = Days.Monday, Time = DateTime.Now });

        Program theireePrgram = new Program { FileName = "theireeFile.aspx", FilePath = "their System Drive", Id = 3 };
        theireePrgram.AddDay(new Day { AssociateDay = Days.Monday, Time = DateTime.Now });

        // Your program object created now you can add to list collection


        // Update a program 

        int id = 1;

        var pgmUpdate = Programs.First(x => x.Id == 1);

        pgmUpdate.AddDay(new Day{AssociateDay = Days.Monday,Time = DateTime.Now});

        // Delete a program

        id = 3;
        Programs.Remove(Programs.First(x => x.Id == id));

        // List all programs

        foreach (var program in Programs)

            foreach (var day in program.Days)





it is only a suggestion because this kind of coding give you much sense , here you can easly access the data. dealing with array is bit tricky..

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