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How to skip complexType in JAXB bindings

I use JAXB bindings to generate java class from an existing xml schema. But I want to skip class generation for types that endswith "Old" or declare an "obsolete" attribute or contains undescore.

I try, in vain, to modify my JAXB bindings file but I don't know what node write to declare these types skipped...

<!-- skip old types -->
<!-- with ie:obsolete attribute -->
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="external/insee/*.xsd">
<jaxb:bindings node="//*[@ie:obsolete='true']">
    <!-- declare this type skipped -->
<!-- that endswith Old -->
<!-- that contains "_" underscore -->

Is there a solution?

Assuming none of the types you process reference these "skipped types", then you could use an external bindings file to specify that they correspond to an existing class so that a new one won't be generated. If these skipped types are referenced then references to this fake class will be brought into your model.



    <jxb:bindings schemaLocation="beta.xsd">
        <jxb:bindings node="//xs:element[@name='person']/complexType">
            <jxb:class ref="com.FakeClass"/>

Full Example

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